How to make candle fragrance oil

Unlocking the Art of Candle Scents: A Comprehensive Guide

Candles have been illuminating our lives for centuries, and their significance has evolved from mere sources of light to becoming integral elements of relaxation, ambience, and even therapy. In recent years, candle-making has soared in popularity as a creative and therapeutic hobby.

One crucial aspect of this craft is the incorporation of fragrances, which elevates candles beyond just visual aesthetics, engaging our olfactory senses and filling our surroundings with delightful scents.

This article delves deep into the world of candle scents, answering your questions about fragrance oil quantities, the process of making candle fragrance oil, crafting personalised fragrances, and knowing the ideal time to add fragrance during the candle-making process.

How Much Fragrance Oil for a Candle: Striking the Right Balance

The amount of fragrance oil used in candle-making plays a pivotal role in determining the strength and longevity of the scent. Achieving the perfect balance is crucial – too little fragrance oil might result in a barely noticeable scent, while an excessive amount could compromise the candle's performance and even pose safety risks. The general rule of thumb is to use about 6-10% fragrance oil by weight of the wax.

Calculating the exact amount involves some straightforward math. For example, if you're using 1 pound (16 oz) of wax, you'd typically use around 1 to 1.6 ounces of fragrance oil (16 oz * 0.06 to 0.10).

Crafting Your Own Candle Fragrance Oil: A Unique Touch

While commercially available candle fragrances offer a wide range of options, crafting your own unique fragrance oil can be an exciting endeavour. This involves blending various essential oils, aroma compounds, and even natural extracts to create a scent that resonates with your preferences and intentions.

Start with a base note, followed by middle and top notes, to achieve a well-rounded and complex fragrance profile.
For example, you could combine woody cedarwood (base note), soothing lavender (middle note), and zesty orange (top note) to create a calming yet invigorating scent. Experimentation is key, and keeping track of your formulations is essential for recreating successful blends.

The Candle-Making Process: Adding Fragrance at the Right Time

The timing of fragrance addition during the candle-making process significantly impacts the final product. The best stage to incorporate fragrance oil is during the cooling stage, just before pouring the wax into the container. This ensures that the fragrance molecules are preserved, as exposing them to high temperatures for extended periods can cause them to break down, resulting in a weaker scent.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make Your Own Candle Fragrance Oil

Gather Your Materials:

You'll need essential oils, carrier oils (like jojoba or fractionated coconut oil), and a small glass bottle for blending.

Select Your Oils:

Choose essential oils that complement each other. Base, middle, and top notes should be balanced for a harmonious blend.

Measure and Mix:

Using a dropper, add the desired number of drops of each essential oil into the glass bottle. For instance, a blend might include ten drops of vanilla (base), five drops of jasmine (middle), and three drops of bergamot (top).

Add Carrier Oil:

Fill the bottle with your carrier oil, leaving some space at the top. Jojoba oil is an excellent carrier due to its stability and neutral scent.

Shake and Age:

Seal the bottle and shake it gently to mix the oils. Let the blend sit in a cool, dark place for a week or more. This ageing process allows the oils to meld and mature, enhancing the fragrance.

Test and Adjust:

After ageing, smell the blend and test it in a diffuser or on a scent strip. Adjust the ratios if needed to achieve your desired scent profile.


Candle scents are a fascinating realm that can elevate your candle-making experience. From determining the correct fragrance oil quantity to crafting your bespoke blends, scenting candles offers endless possibilities for creativity and self-expression. By understanding when and how to add fragrance during the candle-making process, you can ensure that your candles not only provide beautiful illumination but also envelop your space with captivating aromas that soothe, invigorate, and inspire. So, ignite your creativity, blend your fragrances, and embark on a scented journey that adds a new dimension to your candle-making ventures.